Malaysia 1986 - National Fruit Series (FDC) Minor Faults
15-May-2014 06:01:38 PM
15-May-2014 06:02:30 PM
First Day Cover
Definitive / Regular Issues
Issued Date
Postmark Town
Biro Peminat Setem, Kuala Lumpur
Peter Khang Howe Ket
Perforation Gauge
First Day Postmark - Fine
Standard Stamp Catalog of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei
Malaysia 1986 - National Fruit Series (FDC) Minor Faults
Malaysia National Definitive Series - National Fruits Series
  Watermark Printing Printer
40¢ SPM Lithography PKNSB
50¢ SPM Lithography PKNSB
80¢ SPM Lithography PKNSB
$1 SPM Lithography PKNSB
$2 Harrison & Sons Photogravure HSL
$5 Harrison & Sons Photogravure HSL
$10 Harrison & Sons Photogravure HSL
$20 Harrison & Sons Photogravure HSL

PKNSB - Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional Sdn Bhd
HSL - Harrison & Sons, Limited

Stamps were designed by Peter Khang Howe Ket and FDC cover was designed by Kathy Wong.

Malaysia has more than a hundred known species and varieties of edible fruits representing a rich pool of genetic resources. The fruits can be divided into two groups - the first group consisting of non-seasonal fruits such as the papaya, the banana and the pineapple which are available throughout the year and the second group consisting of seasonal fruits such as the durian, the rambutan and the mangosteen. Commercial cultivation of fruits is still in its infant stage except for the pineapple and banana and more recently durian and mango. Most fruits are normally grown for home consumption and the excess is sold.

RAMBUTAN / RAMBUTAN (Nephelium lappaceum) 40¢

The rambutan tree is bushy and wide and can grow up to 20 metres in height. Its branches are low spreading and bear twigs with fine hairs. The rambutan tree fruits twice a year. Its fruits are green in colour when unripe turning to yellow or red upon ripening. The rind is covered with soft hairs which are red or yellow in colour. The edible part of the rambutan is soft and juicy.

Note: Suggested English name for rambutan is 'Malaysian Lychee'

NANAS / PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus) 50¢

The pineapple plant consists of leaves with prickles on the leaf margin terminating in an inflorescence. Its fruit is developed from the inflorescence,  a collection of flowers closely packed together. When fertilised, the flowers begin to swell to form the fruit which is a dark blackish-green when unripe and turns an orange-yellow with some green mottling upon ripening. The edible part of the fruit is pale yellow to yellow depending on the variety.

DURIAN / DURIAN (Durio zibethinus) 80¢

The durian tree which can grow up to 40 metres in height is topped by almost horizontal branches. The durians vary in shape and size. The fruit is covered with coarse sharp pointed thorns and can be divided into 4 to 5 segments, each segment filled with 1 to 7 seeds usually 6cm long and 1.5cm wide. Each seed is embedded in a mass of creamy or yellow coloured pulp which is edible.

MANGGIS / MANGOSTEEN (Garcinia mangostana) $1

The mangosteen tree which can grow up to a height of 14 metres has an evenly shaped crown in dense foliage. The mangosteen is round in shape and slightly flattened at both ends. Each fruit has a smooth thick rind which is pale green in colour when unripe and turns to a rich purple colour upon ripening. On Opening, the fruit consists of five to eight seeds enclosed in snow white edible pulp.

BELIMBING BESI / CARAMBOLA (Averrhoa carambola) $2

The carambola tree which can grow up to 15 metres in height, has a rounded top with an open canopy. Flowers are produced in panicles on the twigs all the year round. The fruits are deeply ridged and are five-angled. The carambola is smooth, shiny and waxy. The unripe fruits are green, turning to a yellow or orange at maturity. The yellow flesh is usually soft and juicy with the flat seeds embedded in the centre.

PISANG MAS / BANANA (Musa sapientum) $5

The banana plant is herbaceous in nature with a basal corm and a pseudostem. The inflorescence is made up of a stout flower stalk with flowers arranged in clusters of two rows. Each cluster is covered by a reddish spathe or bract. The fruits are arranged at the base of the inflorescence  stalk in the same manner as the flowers. The unripe fruits are green in colour and turn to golden or orange upon ripening.

KUINI / KUINI (Mangifera odorata) $10

The kuini belongs to the mango family. The kuini tree which has a tall trunk and a thick round crown can grow to a height of up to 30 metres. The trees usually flower and fruit after the fourth year. Kuini fruits are succulent and yellowish green in colour when ripe. The fruit is a big fleshy drupe with edible pulp which is orange in colour and a stony layer around the seed.

Note: The looks of a kuini is very much alike to a mango, but with strong taste and smell.

BETIK / PAPAYA (Carica papaya) $20

The papaya tree is a fast growing plant with a hollow and non-woody trunk which can grow up to 10 metres in height. The plants are usually dioecious. The papaya varies greatly in size and shape. The fruits is a large fleshy hollow berry. The central cavity is normally surrounded by small seeds but seedless fruits also occur. The flesh of the papaya is juicy and varies in colour from yellow to pinkish red.
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