Denmark : Registered Mail from Romania (2017)
Denmark : Registered Mail from Romania (2017)
Delivered on 10 February 2017.
Number: RN874545982RO
Delivered (3Days)
Destination Country - Denmark
Origin Country - Romania
2017-02-10 10:32, The shipment item has been delivered, Vestegnens Pakkedist,Denmark
2017-02-10 06:33, The shipment item has arrived at the distribution terminal, Vestegnens Pakkedist,Denmark
2017-02-09 16:11, The shipment item is under transportation, Brøndby Pakkecenter - BRC,Denmark
2017-02-08 09:27, The shipment item has arrived at the country of destination., Internationalt Postcenter,Denmark
Number: RN874545982RO
Delivered (3Days)
Destination Country - Denmark
Origin Country - Romania
2017-02-10 10:32, The shipment item has been delivered, Vestegnens Pakkedist,Denmark
2017-02-10 06:33, The shipment item has arrived at the distribution terminal, Vestegnens Pakkedist,Denmark
2017-02-09 16:11, The shipment item is under transportation, Brøndby Pakkecenter - BRC,Denmark
2017-02-08 09:27, The shipment item has arrived at the country of destination., Internationalt Postcenter,Denmark
Data (ZZ.LL.AAAA) | Ora (HH:MM) | Starea trimiterii |
06.02.2017 | 09:54 | Primit de la expeditor - Oficiul Postal Bucuresti 25 |
06.02.2017 | 11:33 | In prelucrare - Oficiul Postal Bucuresti 25 |
06.02.2017 | 16:40 | In prelucrare - BSI Bucuresti |
06.02.2017 | 18:13 | Expediat din Romania - BSI Bucuresti |
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