Spain - Old Letter cum Cover from Ibiza to Barcelona (1871)
Postal Cover
Definitive / Regular Issues
Front Inscription
Face Value
50 Milesimas
Issued Date
Used With Postmark - Extra Fine
Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalog
Spain - Old Letter cum Cover from Ibiza to Barcelona (1871)
The letter was also the cover and used for postal, the paper is a very thin paper - soft blue and no watermark.
It was sent from Ibiza to Barcelona.
The postmark from Ibiza is too faint to able to read whilst out of 4 postmarks from Barcelona, only 1 was able to be read.
Holes can be seen on the fold lines and fold joints as the previous owner had it kept folded.
On the top-left of the letter side, there are embossed text reads:
Barcelona Postmark
It was sent from Ibiza to Barcelona.
The postmark from Ibiza is too faint to able to read whilst out of 4 postmarks from Barcelona, only 1 was able to be read.
Holes can be seen on the fold lines and fold joints as the previous owner had it kept folded.
On the top-left of the letter side, there are embossed text reads:
From the letter, we can easily deduce that the sender was a man and the recipient was a widow.MARIONO TUR
Barcelona Postmark
Duke de la Torre Regency
Showing España
Released and used from 1 January 1870
Color: Ultramarine
Print method: Typography
Text on the stamp:
Calle alta san pedro nº 8 en BARCELONA, as shown on Google Maps.
Letter's Content
Date : 9 Abril 1871
Line 00 : Sra. Viuda T. Coromina
Line 00 : Barcelona
Line 01 : Muy Sra. mía: tomo la pluma para contestar a la
Line 02 : suya fecha 31 del pasado Marzo, llegada a su debido tiempo
Line 03 : y enterado de ella veo me dice que no ha recibido los 500 pts. (?) por vía
Line 04 : de D. Antonio Tenster *, a cuyo Sra. se los entregue yo a la salida
Line 05 : de esta de Yviza no sé si será la detenida de dicha cantidad
Line 06 : el no haber recibido él el dinero de la venta de cierta al tiempo
Line 07 : que lleva y no lo he sabido yo que los artículos que él llevaba
Line 08 : la (los?) ha vendido a 1 mes plazo me han dicho en su cara que
Line 09 : no sabíamos que la mencionada venta pienso yo que la
Line 10 : esta fecha ya se los habrá entregado a Usted (?) y de lo contrario tenga
Line 11 : elva la bondad de escribir al correo inmediato que yo ya
Line 12 : me arreglaré, sin otro por muy su afecto y S.S.
Line 13 : ?. ??. S.S. M?
Line 14 : Mariono Turg y Juan (Signature)
This translation has yet to be finalized and may contain errors. If you have a correct translation or notice any error, please leave a comment below. It is very much appreciated.
Spanish Currency
1. The process for transcribing is still not finish. The process is to transcribe the text as it was written (with all the error spelling, if it persists). It means that copying the text as it is so it can be preserved in a readable format.
2. The initial transcribing process was done by Marion Barbara Kienle. I am forever grateful! Thank you Marion.
3. I am trying to locate the sender's location in Ibiza.
4. If you are looking forward to help with the transcribe, please follow these links to download a larger version of the letter.
Letter Side:
Cover Side:
Text on the stamp:
Sender's Address50 mCOMUNICACIONES50.MILs DE Eo
Recipient Address1871.Yviza 9 AbrilMariono Turg yJuan?? / 11.
Sra. Viuda T. CorominaCalle Alta de Sn. PedroNo 8Barcelona
Calle alta san pedro nº 8 en BARCELONA, as shown on Google Maps.
Letter's Content
Date : 9 Abril 1871
Line 00 : Sra. Viuda T. Coromina
Line 00 : Barcelona
Line 01 : Muy Sra. mía: tomo la pluma para contestar a la
Line 02 : suya fecha 31 del pasado Marzo, llegada a su debido tiempo
Line 03 : y enterado de ella veo me dice que no ha recibido los 500 pts. (?) por vía
Line 04 : de D. Antonio Tenster *, a cuyo Sra. se los entregue yo a la salida
Line 05 : de esta de Yviza no sé si será la detenida de dicha cantidad
Line 06 : el no haber recibido él el dinero de la venta de cierta al tiempo
Line 07 : que lleva y no lo he sabido yo que los artículos que él llevaba
Line 08 : la (los?) ha vendido a 1 mes plazo me han dicho en su cara que
Line 09 : no sabíamos que la mencionada venta pienso yo que la
Line 10 : esta fecha ya se los habrá entregado a Usted (?) y de lo contrario tenga
Line 11 : elva la bondad de escribir al correo inmediato que yo ya
Line 12 : me arreglaré, sin otro por muy su afecto y S.S.
Line 13 : ?. ??. S.S. M?
Line 14 : Mariono Turg y Juan (Signature)
The date is unconfirmed.
* The last name cannot be confirmed.
? is to be confirmed.
* The last name cannot be confirmed.
? is to be confirmed.
9 April 1871
Madam T. Coromina
Madam, I take my pen to answer yours from the 31 March, arrived in time and aware of it I see that you are telling me that you have not received the 500 (¿pesetas?) through D. Antonio Tenster, as I gave it to his wife when I left Ibiza I do not know if the delay of this amount is because of him not receiving the money of the sale in time and I did not know that he sold the articles in one month term he told me in my face for that we do not know of the mentioned sale and I thought that by that time that it would be given to you and otherwise have the goodness to write by post immediately and I will organize myself, with no other with affects. ?.??. S.S. M?
Mariano Turg y Juan
Madam T. Coromina
Madam, I take my pen to answer yours from the 31 March, arrived in time and aware of it I see that you are telling me that you have not received the 500 (¿pesetas?) through D. Antonio Tenster, as I gave it to his wife when I left Ibiza I do not know if the delay of this amount is because of him not receiving the money of the sale in time and I did not know that he sold the articles in one month term he told me in my face for that we do not know of the mentioned sale and I thought that by that time that it would be given to you and otherwise have the goodness to write by post immediately and I will organize myself, with no other with affects. ?.??. S.S. M?
Mariano Turg y Juan
This translation has yet to be finalized and may contain errors. If you have a correct translation or notice any error, please leave a comment below. It is very much appreciated.
Spanish Currency
32 Maravedis = 8 Cuartos = 1 Real
1,000 Milesimas = 100 Centimos = 1 Escudo (1866)
100 Milesimas = 1 Real
4 Reales = 1 Peseta
100 Centimos = 1 Peseta (1872)
100 Cents = 1 Euro (2002)
1. The process for transcribing is still not finish. The process is to transcribe the text as it was written (with all the error spelling, if it persists). It means that copying the text as it is so it can be preserved in a readable format.
2. The initial transcribing process was done by Marion Barbara Kienle. I am forever grateful! Thank you Marion.
3. I am trying to locate the sender's location in Ibiza.
4. If you are looking forward to help with the transcribe, please follow these links to download a larger version of the letter.
Letter Side:
Cover Side:
#253 Thursday 19 November 2020 10:14:17 PM
Simon Bazeley
United Kingdom
I have the same stamp but can not find the name of the lady's name it's seems she is of royal decent may I enquire her name please kind regards Simon bazeley
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