Straits Settlements 50c on Document
Straits Settlements
Stamp (Single)
Revenue Stamp
Front Inscription
Face Value
50 ¢
Issued Date
De La Rue & Co, Limited (UK)
Used With Postmark - Very Fine
Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalog
Standard Stamp Catalog of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei
Straits Settlements 50c on Document
Straits Settlement - 50c on Power of Attorney Legal Document
One big sheet of paper, folded into two to make 4 pages document. In its document condition, one page dimension is 220 x 340 mm (22 x 34 cm). From then on, I suspect for easier safe keeping, the folded paper, was later folded horizontally into four.
Stamp used was of King George V, issued in 1914. Watermark Multiple Crown CA. Green and black. The stamp size was 20 x 25 mm.
Court's document seal size was 31 x 36 mm. It reads
Full Transcript
Page 1
Dated the 29th day of May 1936
Pana Lana Moona Renganathan
Chettiar son of Muthia Chettiar
Payna Reena Manickam Pillai
son of Periasamy Pillai
Power of Attorney
K.P. Keshava Menon
Messrs. MENON & Co.,
No.2 Raffles Place,
Page 2
Know all men by these presents that I Pana Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettier son of Muthia Chettier of No.291 Upper Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Moneylender
hereby appoint Payna Reena Manickan Pillai son of Periasamy Pillai of No.291
Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore Moneyledner’s Clerk
to be my Attorney for me in my name and on
my behalf to have and execute all and singular the powers and authorities hereinafter
mentioned (that is to say):-
To manage or superintend the management of all the estate and hereditaments of
whatever tenure of or to which I am or shall become seised, possessed or entitled and to
erect, pull down and repair houses or other buildings and erections and to drain, make roads
on or otherwise improve any of the premises and to insure houses and other property against
loss or damage by fire.
And also (so far as I can lawfully give or delegate such respective powers
or authorities) to sell, lease, dispose of deal with and manage any property real or personal
which may be vested in me alone or jointly with any other person or persons as trustee,
executor or administrator and to execute and sign any deeds or instruments and generally to
do any acts which I could lawfully have executed, singed, and done in any
such capacity.
To enter into agreements for yearly, monthly or weekly tenancies of all or any of
my freehold or leasehold, property and to make allowances to and arrangements with the
tenants and occupiers for the time being of the said property and to accept surrenders of
lease and tenancies and to demand, sue for, collect and receive and give effectual discharges
for the rents and profits now due and henceforth to become due in respect of the same. And
to take and use all lawful proceedings and means, by distress action or otherwise, for
recovering and receiving the said rents and for enforcing the performance of any covenants
or agreements which the respective lessees or tenants may be liable to perform and for evict-
ing and ejecting or recovering damages from tenants and occupiers making default in pay-
ment of such rents or in performance of such covenants or agreements and for obtaining
and retaining possession of all or any of the premises occupied by any lessees or tenants
making such default
Deposited in the Registry, Supreme Court
Singapore, this 3rd day of June 1936
Page 3
From time to time if and when my said attorney may think fit to sell,
exchange, surrender, give up mortgage, charge, pledge, demise, lease or dispose of my houses,
buildings, lands or hereditaments of any tenure of any chattels or effects belonging to or held
by me and to transfer, release or otherwise deal with any mortgages,
charges or securities, whether upon real or personal property, to which I am now or
may be entitled and also to execute or enforce any powers of sale or other rights powers or
remedies incident to any such mortgages, charges or securities as aforesaid or otherwise to
realise and obtain to benefit thereof in such manner as may be thought proper and to assure
or dispose of my estates which may be vested in me as trustee or
To transact, manage, carry on and do all and every business, matters and things
requisite and necessary or in any manner connected with or having reference to the business
now carried on by me at Singapore and for such purpose to
make and effect all such sales, purchases, dealings and transactions as the said attorney may
deem necessary or expedient of or in goods, wares or merchandise, cargoes, shares in any
company or companies or other property whatsoever.
To borrow from time to time such sums of moneys and upon such terms as the said
attorney may think expedient for or in relation to any of the purpose or objects aforesaid
and for that purpose to overdraw any account with any bank or banks.
In my name and on my behalf to draw, accept, endorse, negotiate,
pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, drafts, orders for payment or
delivery of money, securities, goods or effects, bills of lading or other negotiable or mercantile
instruments or securities which may be deemed necessary or proper I relation to my
business of affairs.
To demand, sue for, enforce payment of, and give effectual receipts and discharges
for all moneys securities for money, debts, legacies, goods, chattels and personal estate, of or
to which I am now or may hereafter become possessed or which are or may
become due owing, payable or transferable to me from any person or persons and to
prove, in any bankruptcy, composition winding up or administration for any money or
property due and owing or belonging to me
To vote at the meetings of any company or companies and otherwise to act as proxy
or representative in respect of any shares now held or which may hereafter be acquired by
me therein and for that purpose to sign and execute any proxies or other instruments
in my name and on my behalf.
To adjsut, settle, compromise or submit to arbitration any accounts or debts, claims
and demands, disputes and matters touching any of the matters aforesaid or any other
matters which now subsisting between me and any person or persons.
To compound and accept part in lieu of and in satisfaction for the whole of or
compromise any debt or sum of money now or hereafter owing or payable to me or
any other claim or demand which I have or may have against any person or persons
or to grant and extension of time for payment or satisfaction thereof, upon such terms as
may be deemed proper either with or without taking security for the same or otherwise to act
with respect thereto as may be deemed expedient.
To commence, prosecute or enforce or to defend, answer or oppose all actions
and other legal proceedings and demands touching any of the matters aforesaid or any other
matters in which I am now or may hereafter be interested or concerned
and also, if thought fit, to compromise, refer to arbitration abandon, submit to judgment
or become non-suited in any such action or proceeding as aforesaid.
Page 4
If need be and in case of neglect or delay on the part of any person or persons com-
pany or corporation to make and render just true and full accounts payment delivery and
satisfaction in the premises him them or they or any of them thereunto to compel and for
that purpose for me and in my name to make such claims and domands arrests seizures levies
attachments distraints sequestrations or commence and prosecute at law or in equity as my
said attorney shall think necessary or expedient or to issue bankruptcy notices or to petition
for a Receiving Order or winding up order or otherwise to procure an adjudication in
Bankruptcy against any such person or persons company or corporation.
To execute, sign, enter into, acknowledge perfect and do all such contracts con-
veyances, leases, mortgages, transfers, assignments, surrenders releases, reconveyances, assur-
ances, deeds, agreements instruments, acts and things as shall be requisite, or may be
deemed proper for or in relation to all or any of the purposes or matters aforesaid.
And generally to act as my attorney in relation to the premises and all other
matters in which may be interested or concerned and on my behalf and to
execute and do all instruments, acts and things as fully and effectually in all respects as
I could do if personally present.
From time to time to appoint and remove at pleasure any substitute or substitutes
as attorney or agent, attorneys or agents, under him in respect of all or any of the
matters aforesaid upon such term as he shall think fit,
And I hereby for my heirs, executors and administrators
ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm whatever my said attorney or
any substitute or substitutes acting under him shall do or pursuant to do by virtue
of these presents, including in such confirmation, whatever shall be done between the time of
my death or the revocation by any other means of this Power of Attorney and the
time of such death or revocation becoming known to my said attorney or his
substitute or substitutes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand affixed
seal this 29th day of May in the year One thousand
nine hundred and thirty six
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
by the above-name Payna Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettiar
Pd. P.L.M. Renganathan Chettier
(in Tamil)
in the presence of
sd. P.L.M Renganathan Chettiar
(in Tamil)
sd – B.P. Naidu
On this 29th day of May A.D. 1936 before me Kizhakka Puthenmalikkal
Kashava Menon a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements
practising in the Straits Settlements personally appeared Payna Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettiar who from information given to me by trustworthy and
respectable person sd-S.P. Veerappan of 54 Market St Singapore Moneylender’s
clerk and sd-B.P. Naidu of 135 Serangoon Road Singapore Solicitors
I verily believe to bethe identical person whose name “sd-P.L.M. Renganathan Chettier (in Tamil)
is subscribed to the above written instrument and acknowledged that he had
voluntarily executed this instrument.
Witness my hand and seal.
Sd-K.P. Keshava Menon L.S
One big sheet of paper, folded into two to make 4 pages document. In its document condition, one page dimension is 220 x 340 mm (22 x 34 cm). From then on, I suspect for easier safe keeping, the folded paper, was later folded horizontally into four.
Stamp used was of King George V, issued in 1914. Watermark Multiple Crown CA. Green and black. The stamp size was 20 x 25 mm.
Court's document seal size was 31 x 36 mm. It reads
The document has been transcribe and keeping the original spelling (despite the typo error).SINGAPORE
3 6
Full Transcript
Page 1
Dated the 29th day of May 1936
Pana Lana Moona Renganathan
Chettiar son of Muthia Chettiar
Payna Reena Manickam Pillai
son of Periasamy Pillai
Power of Attorney
K.P. Keshava Menon
Page 2
Know all men by these presents that I Pana Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettier son of Muthia Chettier of No.291 Upper Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Moneylender
hereby appoint Payna Reena Manickan Pillai son of Periasamy Pillai of No.291
Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore Moneyledner’s Clerk
to be my Attorney for me in my name and on
my behalf to have and execute all and singular the powers and authorities hereinafter
mentioned (that is to say):-
To manage or superintend the management of all the estate and hereditaments of
whatever tenure of or to which I am or shall become seised, possessed or entitled and to
erect, pull down and repair houses or other buildings and erections and to drain, make roads
on or otherwise improve any of the premises and to insure houses and other property against
loss or damage by fire.
And also (so far as I can lawfully give or delegate such respective powers
or authorities) to sell, lease, dispose of deal with and manage any property real or personal
which may be vested in me alone or jointly with any other person or persons as trustee,
executor or administrator and to execute and sign any deeds or instruments and generally to
do any acts which I could lawfully have executed, singed, and done in any
such capacity.
To enter into agreements for yearly, monthly or weekly tenancies of all or any of
my freehold or leasehold, property and to make allowances to and arrangements with the
tenants and occupiers for the time being of the said property and to accept surrenders of
lease and tenancies and to demand, sue for, collect and receive and give effectual discharges
for the rents and profits now due and henceforth to become due in respect of the same. And
to take and use all lawful proceedings and means, by distress action or otherwise, for
recovering and receiving the said rents and for enforcing the performance of any covenants
or agreements which the respective lessees or tenants may be liable to perform and for evict-
ing and ejecting or recovering damages from tenants and occupiers making default in pay-
ment of such rents or in performance of such covenants or agreements and for obtaining
and retaining possession of all or any of the premises occupied by any lessees or tenants
making such default
Deposited in the Registry, Supreme Court
Singapore, this 3rd day of June 1936
Page 3
From time to time if and when my said attorney may think fit to sell,
exchange, surrender, give up mortgage, charge, pledge, demise, lease or dispose of my houses,
buildings, lands or hereditaments of any tenure of any chattels or effects belonging to or held
by me and to transfer, release or otherwise deal with any mortgages,
charges or securities, whether upon real or personal property, to which I am now or
may be entitled and also to execute or enforce any powers of sale or other rights powers or
remedies incident to any such mortgages, charges or securities as aforesaid or otherwise to
realise and obtain to benefit thereof in such manner as may be thought proper and to assure
or dispose of my estates which may be vested in me as trustee or
To transact, manage, carry on and do all and every business, matters and things
requisite and necessary or in any manner connected with or having reference to the business
now carried on by me at Singapore and for such purpose to
make and effect all such sales, purchases, dealings and transactions as the said attorney may
deem necessary or expedient of or in goods, wares or merchandise, cargoes, shares in any
company or companies or other property whatsoever.
To borrow from time to time such sums of moneys and upon such terms as the said
attorney may think expedient for or in relation to any of the purpose or objects aforesaid
and for that purpose to overdraw any account with any bank or banks.
In my name and on my behalf to draw, accept, endorse, negotiate,
pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, drafts, orders for payment or
delivery of money, securities, goods or effects, bills of lading or other negotiable or mercantile
instruments or securities which may be deemed necessary or proper I relation to my
business of affairs.
To demand, sue for, enforce payment of, and give effectual receipts and discharges
for all moneys securities for money, debts, legacies, goods, chattels and personal estate, of or
to which I am now or may hereafter become possessed or which are or may
become due owing, payable or transferable to me from any person or persons and to
prove, in any bankruptcy, composition winding up or administration for any money or
property due and owing or belonging to me
To vote at the meetings of any company or companies and otherwise to act as proxy
or representative in respect of any shares now held or which may hereafter be acquired by
me therein and for that purpose to sign and execute any proxies or other instruments
in my name and on my behalf.
To adjsut, settle, compromise or submit to arbitration any accounts or debts, claims
and demands, disputes and matters touching any of the matters aforesaid or any other
matters which now subsisting between me and any person or persons.
To compound and accept part in lieu of and in satisfaction for the whole of or
compromise any debt or sum of money now or hereafter owing or payable to me or
any other claim or demand which I have or may have against any person or persons
or to grant and extension of time for payment or satisfaction thereof, upon such terms as
may be deemed proper either with or without taking security for the same or otherwise to act
with respect thereto as may be deemed expedient.
To commence, prosecute or enforce or to defend, answer or oppose all actions
and other legal proceedings and demands touching any of the matters aforesaid or any other
matters in which I am now or may hereafter be interested or concerned
and also, if thought fit, to compromise, refer to arbitration abandon, submit to judgment
or become non-suited in any such action or proceeding as aforesaid.
Page 4
If need be and in case of neglect or delay on the part of any person or persons com-
pany or corporation to make and render just true and full accounts payment delivery and
satisfaction in the premises him them or they or any of them thereunto to compel and for
that purpose for me and in my name to make such claims and domands arrests seizures levies
attachments distraints sequestrations or commence and prosecute at law or in equity as my
said attorney shall think necessary or expedient or to issue bankruptcy notices or to petition
for a Receiving Order or winding up order or otherwise to procure an adjudication in
Bankruptcy against any such person or persons company or corporation.
To execute, sign, enter into, acknowledge perfect and do all such contracts con-
veyances, leases, mortgages, transfers, assignments, surrenders releases, reconveyances, assur-
ances, deeds, agreements instruments, acts and things as shall be requisite, or may be
deemed proper for or in relation to all or any of the purposes or matters aforesaid.
And generally to act as my attorney in relation to the premises and all other
matters in which may be interested or concerned and on my behalf and to
execute and do all instruments, acts and things as fully and effectually in all respects as
I could do if personally present.
From time to time to appoint and remove at pleasure any substitute or substitutes
as attorney or agent, attorneys or agents, under him in respect of all or any of the
matters aforesaid upon such term as he shall think fit,
And I hereby for my heirs, executors and administrators
ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm whatever my said attorney or
any substitute or substitutes acting under him shall do or pursuant to do by virtue
of these presents, including in such confirmation, whatever shall be done between the time of
my death or the revocation by any other means of this Power of Attorney and the
time of such death or revocation becoming known to my said attorney or his
substitute or substitutes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand affixed
seal this 29th day of May in the year One thousand
nine hundred and thirty six
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
by the above-name Payna Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettiar
Pd. P.L.M. Renganathan Chettier
(in Tamil)
in the presence of
sd. P.L.M Renganathan Chettiar
(in Tamil)
sd – B.P. Naidu
On this 29th day of May A.D. 1936 before me Kizhakka Puthenmalikkal
Kashava Menon a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements
practising in the Straits Settlements personally appeared Payna Lana Moona
Renganathan Chettiar who from information given to me by trustworthy and
respectable person sd-S.P. Veerappan of 54 Market St Singapore Moneylender’s
clerk and sd-B.P. Naidu of 135 Serangoon Road Singapore Solicitors
I verily believe to bethe identical person whose name “sd-P.L.M. Renganathan Chettier (in Tamil)
is subscribed to the above written instrument and acknowledged that he had
voluntarily executed this instrument.
Witness my hand and seal.
Sd-K.P. Keshava Menon L.S
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