Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide
+ Country   : Malaysia
+ Sub-Area  : Kedah
+ Class     : Stamp & Philatey
+ Prefix    : MYKED
+ Σ Group   : 45
+ Σ Stamp   : 221
+ Σ Variety : 175
+ Σ FDC     : 7
+ Σ Listing : Postage Stamp, Revenue & Tax, Postcard Prepaid (With Indicia), Postcard Official, Envelope & Prepaid Envelope, Envelope Registered, Reply Coupon
Malayan States - Kedah
Location: On the west coast of the Malay Peninsular
Area: 3,660 sq. miles.
Population: 752,706 (1960)
Capital: Alor Star

Suzerainty over Kedah was transferred by Thaildn to Great Britain on 15 July 1909. A Treaty of Friendship between Great Britain and Kedah was signed on 1 November 1923.

Stamps of Thailand were used in Kedah between 1887 and 1909.

Issued of Federated Malay States were used in Kedah from 16 July 1909 until 15 June 1912.