Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide
+ Country   : Malaya
+ Sub-Area  : Johor
+ Class     : Stamp & Philatey
+ Prefix    : MYJHR
+ Σ Group   : 59
+ Σ Stamp   : 295
+ Σ Variety : 107
+ Σ FDC     : 10
+ Σ Listing : Postage Stamp, Postage Due, Booklet, Revenue & Tax, Judicial & Official, Postcard Prepaid (With Indicia), Postcard Official, Postcard Without Value Indicator, Aerogramme, Envelope & Prepaid Envelope, Envelope Registered, Japanese Occupation WWII
Postal in Johore until 1 January 1899 for mails outside Malaya require postage stamps of Straits Settlements because Johor was not a member of UPU.